Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thoughts on the way back

I was recently travelling around the US, and will be describing and reflecting on a few of my adventures. Some of these posts were actually written during the trip including the following one which I wrote on July 20th.

Oof, I've been on the road a lot recently. This is my second 12 hour train ride in 5 days, and tomorrow I will make the 7 and a half hour plane trip back to Edmonton. So it isn't quite done yet, but the end is in sight. And I must say: I'm glad. While I like to take as many opportunities as I can to travel, it can be both physically and mentally draining. And I am at the point where I need some time to recuperate.

I admit that this isn't a particularly novel sentiment. But it certainly captures my current state of mind which longs for quieter days ahead without customs agents, security checks, early morning cab rides, and being confined to a small amount of space for large quantities of time. But I'm also looking forward to not discovering a new city for a while: to just being comfortable in a place I know well around people I know well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rick #Ricksmas