Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween in the City of Champions

Being a suburb kid most of my life, this year marked only my second Halloween in the downtown area of a city.

Most families with children live outside the city so there isn't any trick-or-treating inside Edmonton. The fact that most people who actually live in the downtown area, do so in apartment buildings and condos further dissuades this act. Instead, the bars and clubs step forward as the main driving force behind the celebration. Each venue is decked out in very standard Halloween paraphernalia in order to host a Halloween bash aimed at eighteen to twenty-something year olds - mainly by promising the involvement of women with revealing costumes.

People simply use the day as another reason to party and celebrate, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. But if you are into transforming your natural habitat into something more gruesome with the aim of terrifying children into an appreciation for the dark, creepy, and unknown, away from the city is where you want to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do I imagine Rick sitting alone in his apartment, fake cobwebs strewn about, with spooky music playing on a reel-to-reel, while neighbours rush by the open door so as to not be noticed?